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Dear Dr. Robert,
Do you have a suggestion what to say to a Psychiatrist at the conclusion of a session?  I feel awkward in what to say that doesn't sound trite.  The Psychiatrist uses body language at the end turning himself away from me facing his desk against the wall, he is in a wheel chair, so I get a little uncomfortable saying goodbye with his back turned to me.  I hope I am not being trivial about this.
Thank you for your service to the public in providing the forum. I continue to learn a lot reading responses from you.
Warm Regards,

ask dr-robert

Good question, but without knowing more about how your psychiatrist works and what your relationship is like, difficult to answer. How about this (just a suggestion):
"I'd feel more comfortable saying goodbye while looking at you, but in any case, thank you and see you next time."
This has the double virtues of honesty and civility.

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